Jason and I grew up together. We were more than friends. We were brothers. I'm going to miss him more than I can even comprehend at the moment.
February 07, 2025
Marvin Johnson Jr.
I am Marvin Johnson. I meet Jason, while living in a small community in Southfield, Michigan. The memory that I most cherish is the charitable nature that he shared with me. There is 12 years of an age difference, but he let me keep his game system for weeks at a time, which was important to me cause I was injured and had to stay home with nothing that I could really do. I am fortunate to have known Jason and pray his peaceful rest
February 01, 2025
Jimmie Parkman
This is Uncle Jimmie, I'm sorry I can't be there to say goodbye to my nephew Jason. I love him and have many fond memories of him, I pray that his transition with our Lord is a joyous and peaceful one. Miss You, RIP.
January 31, 2025
Marquis Harper
This Quis Fam I was so sad to hear the news man. One of the kindest people and coolest easy going dude. Made my days easier at jnap. Love forever G
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